Interuniversity Exchanges/Partnerships

- Regular collaboration in the areas of the priority strategies of the UN and UNESCO, will be continued, and in particular:

  • Headquarter: Unitwin, Focal point, new areas of interest,
  • Major initiatives: Future of Education, Advancing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Building Knowledge Societies, Sustainable Cities,
  • Regional offices and networks: Africa (AU Agenda 2063 and UN Agenda 2030, IICBA, Biennal of Luanda, REFICA), Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), EUROPE (Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice),
  • CNUI (Italian National Commission for UNESCO): collaboration and impact of UC in the        national and european reality: at present the UTC Chairholder is the coordinator of Group 1 of the Italian UNESCO Chairs,
  • UNESCO Associated Schools Network- ASPnet  (Transdisciplinary World Curriculum),
  • UC in the world: enlargement and strengthening of the network participating in the 3TWC. New Partnership with the 3TWC: UTC-Italy Committee at the World Congress, UTC participates in the elaboration of the new World Charter of Complex Transdisciplinarity and in the development of the Congress Network in collaboration with the Presidency (INAH, Mexico) and the other Committees in France (CIRET) and Mexico (CETRANS).


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