Description of Program

Sustainable Planetary Civilization in the New Context of Human Fragility of the Pandemic.

The scientific and philosophical revolution resulting from the advent of quantum mechanics has produced a change in the interpretation of the reality, which requires the introduction of new conceptual and methodological interpretative tools. Transdisciplinarity is one of the most innovative methods for managing complex challenges, such as that of sustainability.

More recently, relational quantum mechanics has postulated the priority of relations on structures and objects, indicating in relations the unifying element between the cognitive world (knowledge, sensation, intuition) and the physical world of matter. In a relational system, the role played by information - of one system with respect to another and of their reciprocal relationships - is crucial. Therefore dealing with complex scenarios, where different structures and levels of reality interact, requires the ability to construct a framework of information related to the relationships that span over organisms, social structures, and ecosystems. This also requires an educational approach that is based on the search for methodologies capable of establishing a transdisciplinary relationship between knowledge, which goes beyond disciplinary knowledge, and which lays the foundations for building an information system for managing complexity and achieving sustainability and culture of peace.

The new project 2021-2025 of the HDCP chair builds on the previous four-years program, that has been implemented in a more transdisciplinary one on: Sustainable Planetary Civilization In The New Context Of Human Fragility Of The Pandemic.

Starting from the objectives and results achieved in previous terms, the program aims:

  • To enhance the Transdisciplinary Focus & Models;
  • To strengthen and extend the UtkLab / School, divided into HE&R, Networking & Partnership, Documentation & Production;
  • To deepen and enhance the role of traditional knowledge systems in achieving the SDGs.


In this context, top priority will be given to the new UNESCO and UN strategic plans (MTS 2021-2027), and to a more organic collaboration with UNESCO headquarters and its regional offices - through specific sharing after the difficulties generated by the explosion of the Covid-19 - and with the international networks (starting from the Unesco Chairs) for the relations internal to tangible and intangible development, even more needed after the pandemic.


Particularly important will be the involvement of the Chair in the Third World Congress of Transdisciplinarity, whose outcomes will allow the development and enrichment of the Models, Networks and Partners in view of sustainable policies for humanity and biosphere.

Another important milestone in the program is represented by the design and implementation of a new international Master program on The construction of complex information&knowledge for the sustainability of the biosphere, carried out in connection with the third World Congress of Transdisciplinarity and with the good practices promoted by the UNESCO. Among these, in addition to the Transdisciplinary Participatory Action Research, already practiced by the HDCP, and other methodologies of relationships between knowledge, reference will be made to Building resilience through the Development of Intercultural Competencies and Art-Lab for Human Rights and Dialogue.


Scientific, educational and communication production, associated with exchanges, seminars and conferences will be also continued at national and international level on specific topics for sustainable civilization practitioners.

The proposed HDCP Action Plan will be implemented extending transdisciplinary relationships and responsibilities to a new enriched Team which covers many disciplines, focused on several SDGs that may address the complexity of reality after the pandemic, and aimed at educating the complex intelligence of citizens and training in transdisciplinary research of students, PhD students, researchers and professionals.


Priority SDGs of the program: SDG4, SDG11, SDG16, SDG17


Program’s corresponding to the UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy:

SO 2: Empowering learners to be creative and responsible global citizens

SO 5: Strengthening international science cooperation for peace, sustainability and social inclusion

SO 6: Supporting inclusive social development and promoting intercultural dialogue and the rapprochement of cultures

SO 7: Protecting, promoting and transmitting heritage


Program actions


The program for the period 2021-2025 will maintain the conceptual structure of the previous one, assigning to the UTK Lab/School the coordination of three different sub-programs:

  • Trans-disciplinary complex research
  • Earth Citizenship education
  • The care of common house (strategies, methods, and techniques)

Each sub-program will be centred on sustainability of human communities and biosphere, with specific focus on four pillars represented by education (SDG4), economic development (SDG1, SDG8), health (SDG3) and cultural identity.





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